Monday, February 28, 2011

Dr. Seuss day 1-2011

We started our day by wearing our hats to our PAW pride rally.

In math we used eggs to write addition sentences.

Thanks to Donna Glynn from Kinderglynn for her Dr. Suess unit where this came from.

In Social Studies I read Cat in the Hat and the children wrote the sequence of the story.

Thanks to for this paper.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dr. Seuss

We are getting ready for Dr. Seuss week by painting our hats so we can wear them on Monday with our black and white clothes. The children were so excited to paint and wear the aprons, they was so cute.


We listen to "Five Little Monkey's" then we illustrated the song and wrote the math sentences.


This week we studied the different types of clouds. I first made an anchor chart of the different clouds then the children made their own charts.
On Friday I read "It looked like Spilt Milk" then the children made a picture using a cotton ball with white paint. After the pictures dried they wrote what their picture was.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


We worked on dental hygiene this week. I took a close up picture of the children's teeth then had them write three clues as to who was in the picture. I posted their writing on the bulletin board and a full picture of the children and had people guess who's teeth was who's.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I was awarded the stylish blogger award, thanks to April Larremore, Jan Pearce and Shannon Martin, you all inspire me.
Here are the rules for receiving this award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 5 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award

1. I have just recently started taking a cake decorating class with my daughter, something we have both wanted to do for a long time.

2. I would love to take a class on blogging and learn how to design my own.

3. I started blogging a year and half ago and absolutely love it. I can't stop reading other blogs and finding great ideas. Reading other teacher's blog has truly inspired me to be a better teacher.

4. I love teddy bears and have them all over my classroom and home. Well they are all in the bedroom know because they were taking over the house.

5. I love spending time with my three children, two grandchild and of course my husband.

6. I was not one that knew I wanted to be a teacher when I was young. My youngest son is special needs and seeing his teachers work with the students when he was young made me want to become a teacher.

Five Bloggers.
My team mate Mrs. Shaw at Learning Adventures.
Teaching Happily Ever After

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Phases of the moon

We learned about the phases of the moon today. I read "Phases of the Moon" and made an anchor chart then the children made their own chart.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fabulous in First is having a fabulous give away.


We used this graphic organizer to write about Love is... in whole group then the children did their own organizer and writing. They did such a great job using this format that I will be using other organizers for our writing.
I just love the ideas they came up with

I had won a Valentine Unit from littlestlearners.blogspot, where this came from. If you have not already you should take a look at her blog, she has excellent resources.

In math we used conversation hearts to do addition, we used the cards as number generators.


There are some really good educational videos on youtube but if your like me my school district has blocked the site so we are unable to view them. Below is a website that allows you to download the youtube video onto its site and save as a mp4 file. I save it on my jumb drive and plug into my school computer, works great.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

100 day

More 100 day fun.

We used our mats to count our snacks.

We had to count 100 objects and then were able to build whatever we wanted.

At the end of the day we did Math stations.

100 pc puzzle
Counting 100 buttons
Finding 100 pennies in the sand
Writing to 100
Starfall- 100 days of school

100 Day 2011

We were finally able to celebrate our 100th day of school today.

I usually like to do 100 activities all week so I started last week with "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". The children cut the caterpillar bodies out then we glued them down and numbered them by tens. This week we were able to finish coming up with 100 foods the caterpillar could eat, wow that was hard.

I have always used the 100 chart and some of the children get overwhelmed with all the numbers so I decided to go with this 100 chart and they loved it even the struggling children were able to count their objects using this. I got the idea from Erica Bohrer's unit, hers was colored but I made mine out of white circles and had the children color theirs.

I read the 100th Day Worries and the children had to write the problem and solution.

I had four containers containing different objects with different amounts, the children had to estimate how many objects they thought were in each container. We then counted them and wrote if they were more or less than 100.

We still have many other lessons to do so I will post the rest at the end of the week.
Thanks to these teachers below they have great 100 day units on their blogs.