Saturday, April 30, 2011


The children had fun this week investigating insects. As homework the children with the help of their parents made insects out of recycled materials. I had never done this and was very amazed at what they came up with.

The children labeled the parts of a bee and drew its life cycle. They also drew the life cycle of a butterfly then on Friday we compared and contrasted the bee and butterfly.

The children used their insects to measure height, width and area.
They also used pom poms to make caterpillars and put them shortest to tallest.

On Friday the children were able to make insects using all different types of candy. (Thanks to Deanna Jump's insect unit)

Here are some of the books I used.


  1. Great ideas to use! I LOVE it! And I want that slideshow!

  2. I love your recycled insects!! They are so cool!!
