We focused on symmetry, equal not equal and half and whole this week in math. The children worked in groups to make a graph of equal and not equal pictures. They also used gold fish to make a fair share using Deanna Jump's penguin activity. We had already done this before as a whole group but this time I made a booklet and the children had to get in pairs and use a dice to finish the book together. On Friday I read Curious George Flies a kite and the children made symmetrical kits. They really caught on to this concept and did an excellent job all week.
To make the kites I just gave each table scraps of construction paper left over and let them cut the shapes. I had showed them how to make them the same but cutting them together, they thought I had done magic and were so excited about that. When I see them get all excited about something so simple it truly makes me smile and love my job.
At the beginning of the year I get permission from the parents to use their children's pictures on the blog and some parents said no so that is why some faces are covered with their kites. They all love their picture taken and it's hard to explain why I don't take some of their pictures so I find it easier to just cover them up with their work, they love it because they can still see themselves when I show them the blog.